Medical Massage

Medical Massage differs from regular Massage and Bodywork in that the treatment is specifically directed to resolve conditions that have been diagnosed by a medical doctor. The therapist may use a variety of modalities or techniques during the treatment, but will...

Lomi Ha’a Mauli Ola (traditional Hawaiian bodywork)

Lomi Ha’a Mauli Ola (also called Lomi Lomi) is “The Dance Massage of the Breath of Life”, a unique form of Hawaiian bodywork. This sacred form of bodywork is a powerful healing art that traces its origins to the temples of the ancient Kahunas. The...

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT)

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) affects every system and structure in the body by assisting the lymphatic flow. Lymph moves outside the circulatory system sweeping away cellular debris and waste. Impeded lymph flow weakens disease resistance and swells the lymph...

Long Distance (Remote) Healing

Life is energy. Energy is interactive, easily changed with focused intent, through subjective communication and objective influence. Symptoms of dis-ease or physical dis-comfort are a physical response to energy field (energy body/astral body/aura) imbalances,...

Live Blood Cell Analysis

During Live Blood Cell Analysis you and a qualified technician examine cells of your blood magnified to the size of silver dollar projected onto a monitor. Residue from food, sugars, and yeasts is easily detectable in the...

Infant & Pediatric Massage

Infant Massage is a special skill. We, as human beings, are never too young to experience the benefits of physical treatment. In fact, conditions that we often consider to be the ‘personality’ of the newly born (such as colic) are actually expressions of...