(Ionic) Foot Detox Treatment

Foot Detox Treament uses ionization stimulation transmitted through saline solutions to stimulate the body’s toxin removal systems. Treatment sessions are 15 to 30 minutes long and similar to a foot bath, except that an ionizing diode is placed in the water and...

Facelift Massage

Facelift massage is a pampering, relaxing massage that improves the appearance of the face through stimulation of the underlying layers of the skin and soft tissue using acupressure points, lymphatic drainage strokes and facial massage strokes designed to firm sagging...

Equine Massage

Equine Massage Therapy benefits all breeds and disciplines including racehorses, dressage, cutting, endurance, show ring competitors, and recreational riding horses. Massage therapy received at regular intervals helps guard against muscle injuries, maintains free...

Ear Candling

Ear candling is an ancient ear cleaning technique that may actually be the key to relieving many chronic conditions that plague us today. The symptoms of sinus problems, allergies, ear aches, swimmer’s ear, and hearing loss due to impacted ear wax can all be...

Dual SomatoEmotional Release (SER)

Dual SER has many of the benefits a single (regular) SER session offers (described below). What makes it more effective is that there is now the power of two therapists to help “the body release traumas stored within the tissues safely and appropriately.”...

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage uses slow strokes and deep finger pressure to release chronic patterns of tension in the body. It is called deep tissue because it focuses on releasing stress and tenstion from the deeper layers of muscle...