Couples Massage

Couples massage is a unique, spa-style experience where both partners are able to receive a treatment at the same time, in the same room. Imagine a larger than usual massage room, candles lit, fragrant oils in the air, soft music playing in the background, and you and...

Core Synchronism

Core Synchronism is similar to Cranio Sacral Therapy, but more fine-tuned and precise. It also works with the “spin” or “vortexes” of energy in the body that can get reversed or become dis-synchronized with other parts of the body. It also...

Chair Massage / On-Site Seated Massage

Chair Massage is performed while the client is clothed and seated in a specially designed chair. Also called On-Site Massage, the massage chair is portable and treatment can be done almost anywhere, including professional offices, work places and sporting events....

Detoxifying Bodywrap Treatment

First we treat your skin with a gentle dry brushing to open the pores and leave the skin surface fresh. Then your body is wrapped in linens soaked in a mixture of herbs known to help promote healthy skin, provide soothing relief to muscles and remove toxins from the...

Bowtech (Bowen) Therapy

Bowtech is unique in the field of bodywork. Its relatively few, gentle “moves” over muscle and other soft tissue address the whole body, stimulating it to reset and heal itself. The healing may occur at all levels as needed: physical, chemical, emotional,...

Integrative Neural Therapy

Integrative Neural Therapy techniques allow me as a therapist to address very specific structures of the brain and spinal cord, and pathologies affecting the central, autonomic nervous and reticular alarm systems, such as closed-head injuries, whiplash, headaches,...