Violet Ray Therapy uses a device certified by the FDA for skin care and hair loss. The device applies high-voltage, low-current high frequency waves in the violet region of the spectrum. These waves improve circulation to affected areas. Benefits of increased...
Visceral Manipulation (VM) helps the organs of body to function well. Organs must move to function properly. Emotional stress, surgery, physical injury and trauma can all act to restrict and limit how the organs move and how effectively they function. VM gently...
Tuina is an ancient Chinese massage healing art based on the principles and practices of acupuncture. Tuina treatments bring benefits similar to those of acupuncture (without needles). Tuina works to stimulate and balance the energy meridians of the body to improves...
Thai Massage involves rhythmic compressions and progressive stretches to relax the sympathetic nervous system, soften muscles, re-establish flexibility, and increase range of motion. It strengthens nerves, tissues and organs while improving energy circulation...
Swedish Massage is one of the most well-known and widely practiced massage / bodywork techniques. This vigorous system of treatment provides generalized relaxation, increased cell nutrition and improved circulation, which may reduce swelling and speed healing from...
For Heated Stone Massage, the therapist uses heated basalt mineral stones and/or semi-precious stones and applies them along the chakras and other areas of the body. Muscle tension melts away as the liquid smooth stones move over them. Heated Stone Massage also aligns...