Bowtech (Bowen) Therapy

Bowtech is unique in the field of bodywork. Its relatively few, gentle “moves” over muscle and other soft tissue address the whole body, stimulating it to reset and heal itself. The healing may occur at all levels as needed: physical, chemical, emotional, mental, energetic, etc.

A Bowtech session consists of several series of gentle moves through light-weight clothing (or on skin). In a Bowtech office or clinic, the client usually lies on a bed or bodywork table or, for comfort, in a chair. However, Bowtech can be done anywhere — on the sports field, in a hospital room, at the site of an accident, on an airplane or train.

A session may last from fifteen minutes to an hour. Most often, a surprisingly few sessions are needed to alleviate complaints, whether structural or functional, even if long-standing. And the results hold for a long time, generally until there is a re-injury.

Bowtech is completely safe and appropriate for everyone from newborns to the very elderly and frail. Highly trained athletes and pregnant women benefit equally, each according to need. Although there are three circumstances in which a specific series of moves, is contraindicated, there are no contraindications for a Bowtech session, as other parts of the body and the body as a whole will still benefit.